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Annual report 2022

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It is a great pleasure to share, through this report, the progress and achievements made by the IBiS in 2022. This year has already been a period of greater normalization for most of our activities in the face of the favorable progression of the COVID19 pandemic. In 2022, the IBiS has strengthened its position in research at the national level, maintaining constant growth in its scientific production, in obtaining external financing and in the expansion of its personnel and infrastructure. Of special relevance for the future stability of our center has been the signing by all the consortium institutions, and subsequent publication in the BOE, of the IBiS regulation and financing agreement. This agreement, which since the beginning of the creation of the IBiS has been a paradigm of institutional cooperation, is now also reinforced by the extension of its longer-term validity, with improvements in the commitment to financial support and with the inclusion of the Management- Management of the Virgen Macarena University Hospital in the Governing Council. On the other hand, the Governing Council approved the IBiS's own R&D&I Plan with the main objective of encouraging, with its own funds, key aspects of the center's research activity.

Perfil personal IBiS
  • 57%
    Personal IBiS por sexo
  • 1 Mujer
  • 2 Hombre
  • 81%
    Categoría profesional
  • 1 Personal investigador
  • 2 Personal técnico
  • 3 Personal de gestión/administración
Distribución de Grupos por Área de Investigación
  • 7
    Área Enfermedades Infecciosas y del Sistema Inmunitario
  • 16
    Área Neurociencias
  • 9
    Área Onco-hematología y Genética
  • 4
    Área Patología Cardiovascular y Respiratoria/Otras Patologías Sistémicas
  • 5
    Área Enfermedades Hepáticas, Digestivas e Inflamatorias
  • 1 Consolidado
  • 2 Emergente
  • 3 Adscrito
Distribución por ámbito de las Ayudas Competitivas Activas en el 2022
  • 42,5%
  • 51,5%
  • 6,0%
  • 1 Autonómica
  • 2 Nacional
  • 3 Internacional
Publicaciones 2022 indexadas JCR según cuartil
  • 52,0%
  • 27,4%
  • 20,6%
  • 17,3%
  • 1 Q1
  • 2 Q2
  • 3 Q3/Q4
  • 4 D1