
Support Platform for Clinical Research and Clinical Trials (SCReN)

The Clinical Research and Clinical Trials Unit of the Virgen-del Rocío University Hospital (HUVR)/Institute of Biomedicine of Seville (IBiS) (UICEC-HUVR-IBIS) constitutes a transversal support unit to support the needs in the area of HUVR clinical research.

The support unit as such has developed its activity since 2013, having achieved its renewal thanks to the fulfillment of objectives with the promotion of studies. Additionally, it has strengthened its activity, making it possible to increase complex projects, such as multicenter or international clinical trials coordinated by the UICEC itself.

The mission of the Clinical Research Support Strategy is to provide scientific-technical support to the clinical research of the set of Clinical Management Units of the IBiS campus with the common objective of placing the campus among the first places in Spain in clinical research, and with a competitive level of the highest level in the European Science and Technology system.

The platform is distributed in the following areas:

• Clinical Research Unit and support for Clinical Trials (UICEC);

• Phase I/II testing unit (UEFI/II);

• Methodological and statistical support unit (UAME)

The Management falls to the Scientific Manager (Dr. Pérez-Simón) in coordination with the management of the center and those responsible for the remaining ISCIII platforms (biobank and innovation) that are organized around the IBiS Board of Directors.

Within the PIC/IBiS, there is a person responsible for the UICEC and the UEFI/II. The coordination of the methodological and statistical support unit currently falls directly to the Scientific Manager of the Platform and the management of FISEVI corresponds to the Manager of FISEVI/IBiS.