Cardiovascular and Respiratory Pathology/Other Systemic Diseases

Respiratory Diseases


Cód. SSPA: IBiS-D-06

The experimental laboratory of Respiratory Diseases is made up of a multidisciplinary group of researchers whose objective is to combat respiratory diseases through research projects that allow rapid translation into clinical practice. It is integrated into the research program of the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Pathology Area of the IBIS.

The objectives of the projects, currently underway, include research questions on various diseases. Pathologies related to smoking: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); pulmonary embolism and its relationship with cancer; asthma; lung diseases from occupational exposure, diseases of the pleura and rare diseases, specifically pulmonary hypertension and chemical fibrosis. The studies are funded by competitive agencies and scientific societies.

The NIX project is being carried out to study the relationship between two of the most important respiratory diseases, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and pulmonary embolism (PE). The project's activities include the launch of the website "MIENTRAS DUERMES", whose instructive and informative content is aimed primarily at patients with OSA and PD, although it may be of interest to the entire population in general.

Check out the website "Mientras duermes"

This website is also designed to present the summaries of the scientific works derived from the NIX project, as well as to provide relevant information on aspects that have to do with sleep, since this integral part of life is a very dynamic state, in which that many processes of vital importance occur that influence the functioning of the organism.


1. Chronic hypoxia and intermittent hypoxia: pathophysiology, mechanisms and relationship with other comorbidities:

  • Venous Thromboembolism: Mouse model with venous thromboembolism and intermittent hypoxia.
  • Context of sleep-disordered breathing
  • Neuromuscular diseases and mechanical or invasive ventilation.
  • Airway diseases: COPD, Cystic Fibrosis and Bronchiectasis.

2. Determining factors and therapeutic intervention in chronic post-thrombotic pulmonary hypertension from Pulmonary Embolism.

  • Biocompatible nanoparticles for targeted fibrinolysis

3. Molecular mechanisms in the therapeutic response of patients with COPD.

4. Bidirectional relationship between venous thromboembolic disease and cancer.

5. Optimization of the diagnosis of alpha 1 antrypsin deficiency.

6. Mechanisms involved in pulmonary emphysema.

  • Smoking mouse model
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