Infectious Diseases and the Immune System

HIV Infection and the Pharmacokinetics of Antiviral Drugs


Cód. SSPA: IBiS-A-03

Pharmacokinetics of antiviral drugs

In this line of research pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and interaction studies are carried out, both in plasma and at the intracellular level, in humans and experimental models, on antiviral drugs related to infection by HIV, hepatitis C virus and cytomegalovirus. Particular attention is given to those studies with immediate clinical application such as the reduction of dosages of some drugs against HIV or HCV, guided by their plasma concentrations or the analysis of different dosage guidelines to avoid their adverse effects. Also, therapeutic monitoring programs of anti-retrovirals are carried out in special situations such as gestation or liver cirrhosis. Several of these projects have been carried out in collaboration with other hospitals of the Andalusian Health Service (SAS), within the context of the Andalusian Society of Infectious Diseases (SAEI). In the last few years, several of these studies have been carried out, and others are under way, such as clinical trials promoted by our own researchers, with no relationship to the pharmaceutical industry.

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