
Neurodesarrollo y enfermedades neuropediátricas

Revista Internacional

Molecular similarity between the mechanisms of epithelial fusion and fetal wound healing during the closure of the caudal neural tube in mouse embryos.

B. Fernández-Santos, JM Caro-Vega, N. Sola-Idígora, C. Lazarini-Suárez, L. Mañas-García, P. Duarte, A. Fuerte-Hortigón, P. Ybot-González

Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Nutraceuticals in the Prevention of Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia: A Comprehensive Review of their Neuroprotective Properties, Mechanisms of Action, and Future Directions.

Marta Reyes–Corral, Noelia Sola–Idígora, Rocío de la Puerta, Joan Montaner and Patricia Ybot–González

Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Lessons Learned from Proteome Analysis of Pediatric Neurovascular Pathologies

Menéndez Valladares, Paloma; Sola-Idígoras, Noelia; Fuerte Hortigón, Alejandro; Alonso Pérez, Irene; Duque Sánchez, Cristina; Domínguez Mayoral, Ana M.; Ybot-González, Patricia; Montaner, Joan

Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Lacosamide Intake During Pregnancy Increases the Incidence of Foetal Malformations and Symptoms Associated with Schizophrenia in the Offspring of Mice.

B. López-Escobar, R. Fernández-Torres, V. Vargas-López, M. Villar-Navarro, T. Rybkina, E. Rivas Infante, A. Hernández-Viñas, C. Álvarez del Vayo, J. Caro-Vega, JA. Sanchez-Alcazar, A. González-Meneses, AM. Carrión, P. Ybot-González

Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Integrin-mediated focal anchorage drives epithelial zippering during mouse neural tube closure.

Matteo A. Molè, Gabriel L. Galea, Ana Rolo, Antonia Weberling, Oleksandr Nychyk, Sandra C de Castro, Dawn Savery, Reinhard Fässler, Patricia Ybot-González, Nicholas D. E. Greene, Andrew J. Copp

Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

The interaction of maternal diabetes with mutations that affect folate metabolism and how they affect the development of neural tube defects in mice.

López-Escobar, B, Wlodarczyk, B, Caro-Vega, J, Lin, Y, Finnell, RH, Ybot-González, P

Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

The non-canonical Wnt-PCP pathway shapes the caudal neural plate.

López-Escobar B, Caro-Vega JM, Vijayraghavan DS, Plageman TF, Sanchez-Alcazar JA, Moreno R, Savery D, Márquez-Rivas J, Davidson LA, Ybot-González P

Revista Internacional