
Cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease is affected by age-related regulation of GDNF expression in carotid body transplant

Salón de Actos - IBIS 15:00

Cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease is affected by age-related regulation of GDNF expression in carotid body transplant

Fecha event 16/01/2018 15:00
Referencia Seminario Programa Neurociencias
Entidad IBIS / HUVR
Lugar Salón de Actos - IBIS
Ponentes Dr. Juan José Toledo Aral Departamento de Fisiología Médica y Biofísica Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla - IBiS Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla
Cartel/Poster Poster: Cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease is affected by age-related regulation of GDNF expression in carotid body transplant

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