Oncohematología y Genética

Terapia celular y nuevas dianas terapéuticas en onco-hematología

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Real life experience with frontline azacitidine in a large series of older adults with acute myeloid leukemia stratified by MRC/LRF score: results from the expanded international E-ALMA series (E-ALMA+).

Falantes J, Pleyer L, Thépot S, Almeida AM, Maurillo L, Martínez-Robles V, Stauder R, Itzykson R, Pinto R, Venditti A, Bargay J, Burgstaller S, Martínez MP, Seegers V, Cortesão E, Foncillas MÁ, Gardin C, Montesinos P, Musto P, Fenaux P, Greil R, Sanz MA, Ramos F, European ALMA + Investigators.

Vol: Leuk Lymphoma Libro o artículo
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Efficacy and safety of native versus pegylated Escherichia coli asparaginase for treatment of adults with high-risk, Philadelphia chromosome-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Ribera JM, Morgades M, Montesinos P, Martino R, Barba P, Soria B, Bermúdez A, Moreno MJ, González-Campos J, Vives S, Gil C, Abella E, Guàrdia R, Martínez-Carballeira D, Martínez-Sánchez P, Amigo ML, Mercadal S, Serrano A, López-Martínez A, Vall-Llovera F, Sánchez-Sánchez MJ, Peñarrubia MJ, Calbacho M, Méndez JA, Bergua J, Cladera A, Tormo M, García-Belmonte D, Feliu E, Ciudad J, Orfao A, PETHEMA Group, Spanish Society of Hematology.

Vol: Leuk Lymphoma. Libro o artículo
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Kinetics of recovery of dendritic cell subsets after reduced-intensity conditioning allogeneic stem cell transplantation and clinical outcome.

Talarn C, Urbano-Ispizua A, Martino R, Pérez-Simón JA, Batlle M, Herrera C, Granell M, Gaya A, Torrebadell M, Fernández-Avilés F, Aymerich M, Marín P, Sierra J, Montserrat E.

Vol: Haematologica. 2007 Dec;92(12):1655-63. Libro o artículo