
Challenging the Hox gene segmental and neuronal dogma through oculomotor circuit development in the zebrafish.

Salón de Actos - IBiS (Campus Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío). 15:00

Challenging the Hox gene segmental and neuronal dogma through oculomotor circuit development in the zebrafish.

Fecha event 08/11/2012 15:00
Referencia Seminario EXTRAORDINARIO
Entidad IBiS-HUVR
Lugar Salón de Actos - IBiS (Campus Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío).
Ponentes Robert Baker, PhD Professor of Physiology Department of Physiology and Neuroscience. New York University Medical Center (USA).
Cartel/Poster Poster: Challenging the Hox gene segmental and neuronal dogma through oculomotor circuit development in the zebrafish.

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