
Specific Activation of the Alternative Cardiac Promoter of Cacna1c by the Mineralocorticoid Receptor

Aula 1ª Planta 13:30

Specific Activation of the Alternative Cardiac Promoter of Cacna1c by the Mineralocorticoid Receptor

Fecha event 18/03/2019 13:30
Referencia Seminario Programa Patología Cardiovascular y Respiratoria
Entidad IBIS / HUVR
Lugar Aula 1ª Planta
Ponentes Debora Falcón Boyano Investigadora Postdoctoral IBiS Grupo “Fisiopatología Cardiovascular”
Cartel/Poster Poster: Specific Activation of the Alternative Cardiac Promoter of Cacna1c by the Mineralocorticoid Receptor

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