
Mutation of SPINOPHILIN (PPP1R9B) found in human tumors promotes the tumorigenic and stemness properties of cells

A través de Videoconferencia 16:00

Mutation of SPINOPHILIN (PPP1R9B) found in human tumors promotes the tumorigenic and stemness properties of cells

Fecha event 19/10/2020 16:00
Referencia Seminario Programa Oncohematología y Genética
Entidad IBIS / HUVR
Lugar A través de Videoconferencia
Ponentes Eva Verdugo Sivianes Investigadora Postdoctoral IBiS Grupo “Biología Molecular del Cáncer”
Cartel/Poster Poster: Mutation of SPINOPHILIN (PPP1R9B) found in human tumors  promotes the tumorigenic and  stemness properties of cells

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