Seminarios del Área de Neurociencias
No time to die: Executioner caspases in Microglia
Metabolic modulation through pharmacological HIF1α stabilization reduces Alzheimer's Disease pathology
Prevention of Perinatal Mental Health Disorders: e-Perinatal ERC project
Proteomics analysis of lysosomes lacking the molecular co-chaperone CSPα/DNAJC5
Understanding Early Human Development by Integrating Stem Cells and Mathematics
Microglial Caspase-3 is essential for modulating hippocampal neurogenesis
Function of Inflammasomes in Immunity and Inflammatory Disease
Understanding adult neurogenesis in humans—Where are we?
Microglia mitochondrial complex I deficiency during development induces glial dysfunction and early lethality
Application of the reverse two-hybrid system for the study of protein-protein interactions in autophagy
Pharmacological stimulation of brain GDNF and neuroprotection of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway
Microglia protect against region-selective neuropathology with ageing
Local protein synthesis and processing by squid giant axons
Biophysics of visual systems: from 2D to 3D
Chimeric Antigen Receptors (CARs): cell therapy for Parkinson´s Disease
Elucidating the interplay of cellular senescence and hypoxia in age-related diseases
Brief introduction to ferroptotic cell death
Blood Brain Barrier Spheroids as a model to evaluate hypoxia-induced damage
Cholinergic modulation of chandelier cells: from single-cell to circuit
Connectome analysis in the larval brain of the Drosophila model of Parkinson’s disease
Ependyma and brain homeostasis: key in neurodegeneration
Acute hypoxic vasodilation: HIF1α-dependent mitochondrial oxygen sensing and signaling to myocyte calcium channels
Contribution of vitamin E to the early stages of mouse brain development
Fomenta la ciencia con una donación y forma parte del cambio.