
Sushi Domain Proteins during the Life of the Excitatory Synaps e in the Olivocerebellar Network

Salón de actos IBiS 15:00

Sushi Domain Proteins during the Life of the Excitatory Synaps e in the Olivocerebellar Network

Fecha event 17/05/2022 15:00
Referencia Seminario Programa Área de Neurociencias
Entidad IBiS-HUVR
Lugar Salón de actos IBiS
Ponentes Dra. Inés González-Calvo Grupo de Fisiología Molecular de la Sinapsis (Lab. 108)
Cartel/Poster Poster: Sushi Domain Proteins during the Life of the Excitatory Synaps e in the Olivocerebellar Network

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