Transparency Portal

One of the law's objectives, as stated in its explanatory memorandum, is to increase and reinforce the transparency of public activity that is articulated through active advertising obligations. Compliance with the principle of active publicity contributes to the achievement of the other two planned objectives, such as the recognition and guarantee of access and the good governance obligations that public officials must comply with.

Through this information the IBiS fulfills the active advertising obligations derived from that of the LTAIPBG.

To do this, the information that is required according to articles 7 and 8 and that is required by the IBiS is taken into account.

For this reason, we link the different transparency portals through the different entities that comprise it.

Transparency portal University of Seville

Transparency portal The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)

Transparency portal Junta de Andalucía / Fisevi

Plan Estratégico IBiS 2023-2027

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