
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

The unit, created in October 2013, aims to provide both IBiS research groups and external organizations with the necessary knowledge and infrastructure in the field of bioinformatics, as well as to collaborate in large-scale data analysis. In addition, it is responsible for building and maintaining a computational infrastructure that allows researchers to implement effective solutions when analyzing, visualizing and/or interpreting data, mainly genomic data.

Finally, through courses and seminars, the unit aims to train and promote the knowledge of new computational techniques of analysis, which allow a better and deeper biological interpretation of the results obtained, from the experiments carried out in the center.

Location: 2nd Floor

Facilities availability: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00 *

(*) Those experiments that require time out of the established schedule can be carried out with the prior knowledge of the responsible technician.

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