Cód. SSPA: IBiS-DS-05
We are dedicated to providing care and research from a clinical and pharmacological perspective in fragile, vulnerable and multimorbidity populations, the elderly, and those with chronic diseases. Our vocation also extends to research into the advanced and terminal stages of different diseases, as well as palliative care and its health outcomes. Finally, we also conduct research in all areas of ageing, from molecular to social and epidemiological.
The group detailed above has extensive experience in the study of new care models in accordance with the new expectations and demands of citizens, and has become a true pioneer in our country in the care of fragile and vulnerable patients, whose clearest paradigm is the Pluripathological Patient, articulating a novel care alternative that is based on a close interrelation and collaboration between Primary and Specialized Care.
The group is leader in the area of knowledge of pharmacotherapy and its peculiarities in populations of elderly and vulnerable people, having carried out and led multiple projects in the field of therapeutic adaptation, reconciliation and adherence.
The group has notable national leadership in the emerging knowledge area of clinical ultrasound, or point-of-care ultrasound.
It also has a long career in research into biomolecular processes related to aging and their translation to the clinic.
On the other hand, it already has experience in the coordination of several multicenter studies at the national level, both observational and interventional (clinical and quasi-experimental trials) on vulnerable populations. It also actively participates in European projects for the use of ICTs in these populations.
Lines of Research
Its priority research lines and projects are currently TWELVE:
1. Line of clinical research for patients with multiple pathologies and complex and advanced chronic diseases.
2. Line of clinical research in patients with Hip Fracture.
3. Line of technological development and ICTs in the improvement of assistance to vulnerable populations.
4. Line of clinical-basic research in aging and anti-aging therapies.
5. Line of research on patients in end-of-life trajectory and palliative care.
6. Line of research on continuity of care, interlevel relationships, and health outcomes.
7. Frailty and sarcopenia research line.
8. Clinical ultrasound.
9. Line of research in comprehensive support for social and health centres and care homes in the era of COVID-19.
10. Line of research in the development and implementation of tools for the deprescribing of complex chronic patients.
11. Line of research in iatrogenesis due to the anticholinergic burden of chronic patient treatments and in the development of tools for its improvement.
12. Line of research in multidisciplinary interventions to improve work-life balance in elderly surgical patients.