Revista Internacional
Spinal osteoid osteoma recurring as an aggressive osteoblastoma
Lopez-Puerta, JM; Fernandez-Marin, MR; Benlloch, JAM; Lorente, R
Vol: NEUROCIRUGIA Revista InternacionalCardiovascular and Respiratory Pathology/Other Systemic Diseases
Patología músculo-esquelética e innovación biotecnológica
Spinal osteoid osteoma recurring as an aggressive osteoblastoma
Lopez-Puerta, JM; Fernandez-Marin, MR; Benlloch, JAM; Lorente, R
Vol: NEUROCIRUGIA Revista InternacionalCFTR Genotype and Maximal Exercise Capacity in Cystic Fibrosis: A Cross-sectional Study.
Radtke T, Hebestreit H, Gallati S, Schneiderman JE, Braun J, Stevens D, Hulzebos EH, Takken T, Boas SR, Urquhart DS, Lands LC, Tejero S, Sovtic A, Dwyer T, Petrovic M, Harris RA, Karila C, Savi D, Usemann J, Mei-Zahav M, Hatziagorou E, Ratjen F, Kriemler S, CFTR-Exercise study group.
Vol: Annals of the American Thoracic Society Revista InternacionalEffects of electrical stimulation in the treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral head.
Fornell S, Ribera J, Mella M, Carranza A, Serrano-Toledano D, Domecq G.
Vol: Hip Int. Revista InternacionalHistological study of the docking site after bone transport. Temporal evolution in a sheep model
. López-Pliego EM, Mora-Macías J, Giráldez-Sánchez MÁ, Domínguez J, Reina-Romo E.
Vol: Injury. Revista InternacionalMid-term outcomes of mobile-bearing lateral unicompartmental knee arthroplasty.
Fornell S, Prada E, Barrena P, García-Mendoza A, Borrego E, Domecq G.
Vol: Knee. Revista InternacionalPelvic post-traumatic asymmetry: Assessment and sequenced treatment.
Cano-Luís P, Giráldez-Sánchez MÁ, Andrés-Cano P.
Vol: EFORT Open Rev Revista InternacionalTreatment of posttraumatic bone defects of the forearm with vascularized fibular grafts. Follow up after fourteen years.
Cano-Luís P, Andrés-Cano P, Ricón-Recarey FJ, Giráldez-Sánchez MA.
Vol: Injury. Revista InternacionalA systematic review of the exercise effect on bone health: the importance of assessing mechanical loading in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women
Sañudo B, de Hoyo M, Del Pozo-Cruz J, Carrasco L, Del Pozo-Cruz B, Tejero S, Firth E.
Vol: Menopause Revista InternacionalFactores determinantes en la indicación de la prótesis invertida de hombro
Giráldez-Sánchez M.Á, Molina-Linde J.M, Baños-Álvarez E, Beltrán-Calvo C, Romero-Tabares A, Lacalle-Remigio J.R.
Vol: Rev Cubana Ortop Traumatol. Revista InternacionalGhrelin and adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells improve nerve regeneration in a rat model of epsilon-caprolactone conduit reconstruction.
Hernández-Cortés P, Toledo-Romero MA, Delgado M, González-Rey E, Gómez Sánchez R, Prados-Olleta N, Aneiros-Fernández J, Crespo-Lora V, Aguilar M, Galindo-Moreno P, O'Valle F.
Vol: Histol Histopathol Revista Internacional