
“Secretory mechanisms in the brain: from a specialized sensory cell in the ear to striatal neuromodulation by serotonin”

A través de videoconferencia 15:00

“Secretory mechanisms in the brain: from a specialized sensory cell in the ear to striatal neuromodulation by serotonin”

Fecha event 26/10/2021 15:00
Referencia Seminario Área de Neurociencias
Entidad IBiS / HUVR
Lugar A través de videoconferencia
Ponentes Dr. Özge Demet Özçete Kaeser Lab Department of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston Salón de actos del IBiS Videoconferencia
Cartel/Poster Poster: “Secretory mechanisms in the brain: from a specialized sensory cell in the ear to striatal neuromodulation by serotonin”

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