
Homeostasis Redox

Revista Internacional

A Caenorhabditis elegans ortholog of human selenium-binding protein 1 is a pro-aging factor protecting against selenite toxicity

Kohnlein, K; Urban, N; Guerrero-Gomez, D; Steinbrenner, H; Urbanek, P; Priebs, J; Koch, P; Kaether, C; Miranda-Vizuete, A; Klotz, LO

Vol: REDOX BIOLOGY Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

The peroxisomal fatty acid transporter ABCD1/PMP-4 is required in the C. elegans hypodermis for axonal maintenance: A worm model for adrenoleukodystrophy

Coppa, A; Guha, S; Fourcade, S; Parameswaran, J; Ruiz, M; Moser, AB; Schluter, A; Murphy, MP; Lizcano, JM; Miranda-Vizuete, A; Dalfo, E; Pujol, A

Revista Internacional

Epicatechin modulates stress-resistance in C. elegans via insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway.

Ayuda-Durán B, González-Manzano S, Miranda-Vizuete A, Dueñas M, Santos-Buelga C, González-Paramás AM

Vol: PLoS One. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Exploring Target Genes Involved in the Effect of Quercetin on the Response to Oxidative Stress in Caenorhabditis elegans.

Ayuda-Durán B, González-Manzano S, Miranda-Vizuete A, Sánchez-Hernández E, R Romero M, Dueñas M, Santos-Buelga C, González-Paramás AM

Vol: Antioxidants (Basel). Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Implications of the mitochondrial interactome of mammalian thioredoxin 2 for normal cellular function and disease.

Chasapis CT, Makridakis M, Damdimopoulos AE, Zoidakis J, Lygirou V, Mavroidis M, Vlahou A, Miranda-Vizuete A, Spyrou G, Vlamis-Gardikas A

Vol: Free Radic Biol Med. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Loss of glutathione redox homeostasis impairs proteostasis by inhibiting autophagy-dependent protein degradation.

Guerrero-Gómez D, Mora-Lorca JA, Sáenz-Narciso B, Naranjo-Galindo FJ, Muñoz-Lobato F, Parrado-Fernández C, Goikolea J, Cedazo-Minguez Á, Link CD, Neri C, Sequedo MD, Vázquez-Manrique RP, Fernández-Suárez E, Goder V, Pané R, Cabiscol E, Askjaer P, Cabello J, Miranda-Vizuete A

Vol: Cell Death Differ. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Redox-dependent and redox-independent functions of Caenorhabditis elegans thioredoxin 1.

Sanzo-Machuca Á, Monje Moreno JM, Casado-Navarro R, Karakuzu O, Guerrero-Gómez D, Fierro-González JC, Swoboda P, Muñoz MJ, Garsin DA, Pedrajas JR, Barrios A, Miranda-Vizuete A

Vol: Redox Biol. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Reduction of mRNA export unmasks different tissue sensitivities to low mRNA levels during Caenorhabditis elegans development.

Zheleva A, Gómez-Orte E, Sáenz-Narciso B, Ezcurra B, Kassahun H, de Toro M, Miranda-Vizuete A, Schnabel R, Nilsen H, Cabello J

Vol: PLoS Genet. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Sex-Specific Differences in Redox Homeostasis in Brain Norm and Disease.

Ruszkiewicz JA, Miranda-Vizuete A, Tinkov AA, Skalnaya MG, Skalny AV, Tsatsakis A, Aschner M

Vol: J Mol Neurosci. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Sex-Specific Response of Caenorhabditis elegans to Methylmercury Toxicity.

Ruszkiewicz JA, Teixeira de Macedo G, Miranda-Vizuete A, Bowman AB, Bornhorst J, Schwerdtle T, Antunes Soares FA, Aschner M

Vol: Neurotox Res Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

A novel MYH7 founder mutation causing Laing distal myopathy in Southern Spain.

Carbonell-Corvillo P, Tristán-Clavijo E, Cabrera-Serrano M, Servián-Morilla E, García-Martín G, Villarreal-Pérez L, Rivas-Infante E, Area-Gómez E, Chamorro-Muñoz MI, Gil-Gálvez A, Miranda-Vizuete A, Martínez-Mir A, Laing N, Paradas C.

Vol: Neuromuscul Disord. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Genetic and cellular sensitivity of Caenorhabditis elegans to the chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin.

García-Rodríguez FJ, Martínez-Fernández C, Brena D, Kukhtar D, Serrat X, Nadal E, Boxem M, Honnen S, Miranda-Vizuete A, Villanueva A, Cerón J.

Vol: Dis Model Mech. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Intracellular Trafficking and Persistence of Acinetobacter baumannii Requires Transcription Factor EB.

Parra-Millán R, Guerrero-Gómez D, Ayerbe-Algaba R, Pachón-Ibáñez ME, Miranda-Vizuete A, Pachón J, Smani Y.

Vol: mSphere Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

The Small GTPase RAC1/CED-10 Is Essential in Maintaining Dopaminergic Neuron Function and Survival Against α-Synuclein-Induced Toxicity

Kim H, Calatayud C, Guha S, Fernández-Carasa I, Berkowitz L, Carballo-Carbajal I, Ezquerra M, Fernández-Santiago R, Kapahi P, Raya Á, Miranda-Vizuete A, Lizcano JM, Vila M, Caldwell KA, Caldwell GA, Consiglio A, Dalfo E.

Vol: Mol Neurobiol. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

The cytoplasmic thioredoxin system in Caenorhabditis elegans affords protection from methylmercury in an age-specific manner

Ruszkiewicz JA, Teixeira de Macedo G, Miranda-Vizuete A, Teixeira da Rocha JB, Bowman AB, Bornhorst J, Schwerdtle T, Aschner M.

Vol: Neurotoxicology. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

A network of insulin peptides regulate glucose uptake by astrocytes: Potential new druggable targets for brain hypometabolism.

Fernandez AM, Hernández E, Guerrero-Gómez D, Miranda-Vizuete A, Torres Aleman I.

Vol: Neuropharmacology. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Caenorhabditis elegans as a model for understanding ROS function in physiology and disease.

Miranda-Vizuete A, Veal EA.

Vol: Redox Biol. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

European contribution to the study of ROS: A summary of the findings and prospects for the future from the COST action BM1203 (EU-ROS).

Egea J, Fabregat I, Frapart YM, Ghezzi P, Görlach A, Kietzmann T, Kubaichuk K, Knaus UG, López MG, Olaso-González G, Petry A, Schulz R, Vina J, Winyard P, Abbas K, Ademowo OS, Afonso CB, Andreadou I, Antelmann H, Antunes F, Aslan M, Bachschmid MM, Barbosa RM, Belousov V, Berndt C, Bernlohr D, Bertrán E, Bindoli A, Bottari SP, Brito PM, Carrara G, Casas AI, Chatzi A, Chondrogianni N, Conrad M, Cooke MS, Costa JG, Cuadrado A, My-Chan Dang P, De Smet B, Debelec-Butuner B, Dias IHK, Dunn JD, Edson AJ, El Assar M, El-Benna J, Ferdinandy P, Fernandes AS, Fladmark KE, Förstermann U, Giniatullin R, Giricz Z, Görbe A, Griffiths H, Hampl V, Hanf A, Herget J, Hernansanz-Agustín P, Hillion M, Huang J, Ilikay S, Jansen-Dürr P, Jaquet V, Joles JA, Kalyanaraman B, Kaminskyy D, Karbaschi M, Kleanthous M, Klotz LO, Korac B, Korkmaz KS, Koziel R, Kračun D, Krause KH, Křen V, Krieg T, Laranjinha J, Lazou A, Li H, Martínez-Ruiz A, Matsui R, McBean GJ, Meredith SP, Messens J, Miguel V, Mikhed Y, Milisav I, Milković L, Miranda-Vizuete A, Mojović M, Monsalve M, Mouthuy PA, Mulvey J, Münzel T, Muzykantov V, Nguyen ITN, Oelze M, Oliveira NG, Palmeira CM, Papaevgeniou N, Pavićević A, Pedre B, Peyrot F, Phylactides M, Pircalabioru GG, Pitt AR, Poulsen HE, Prieto I, Rigobello MP, Robledinos-Antón N, Rodríguez-Mañas L, Rolo AP, Rousset F, Ruskovska T, Saraiva N, Sasson S, Schröder K, Semen K, Seredenina T, Shakirzyanova A, Smith GL, Soldati T, Sousa BC, Spickett CM, Stancic A, Stasia MJ, Steinbrenner H, Stepanić V, Steven S, Tokatlidis K, Tuncay E, Turan B, Ursini F, Vacek J, Vajnerova O, Valentová K, Van Breusegem F, Varisli L, Veal EA, Yalçın AS, Yelisyeyeva O, Žarković N, Zatloukalová M, Zielonka J, Touyz RM, Papapetropoulos A, Grune T, Lamas S, Schmidt HHHW, Di Lisa F, Daiber A.

Vol: Redox Biol Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Insights into the differential toxicological and antioxidant effects of 4-phenylchalcogenil-7-chloroquinolines in Caenorhabditis elegans.

Salgueiro WG, Goldani BS, Peres TV, Miranda-Vizuete A, Aschner M, da Rocha JBT, Alves D, Ávila DS.

Vol: Free Radic Biol Med Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Selenoprotein T is required for pathogenic bacteria avoidance in Caenorhabditis elegans.

Romanelli-Cedrez L, Carrera I, Otero L, Miranda-Vizuete A, Mariotti M, Alkema MJ, Salinas G.

Vol: Free Radic Biol Med Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

The neuroprotective transcription factor ATF5 is decreased and sequestered into polyglutamine inclusions in Huntington's disease.

Hernández IH, Torres-Peraza J, Santos-Galindo M, Ramos-Morón E, Fernández-Fernández MR, Pérez-Álvarez MJ, Miranda-Vizuete A, Lucas JJ.

Vol: Acta Neuropathol Revista Internacional