
Neuronal Aging

Revista Internacional

Antimicrobial resistance phenotypes and genotypes of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus CC398 isolates from Spanish hospitals

Ceballos, S; Aspiroz, C; Ruiz-Ripa, L; Zarazaga, M; Torres, C; Leiva, J; Ezpeleta, C; Martin, C; Castillo, J; Seral, C; Arribas, J; Navarro, C; Betran, A; Lopez, C; Berdonces, P; de Benito, I; Campo, AB; Arias, A; Fortuno, B; Pereira, J; Milagro, A; Torres, L; Azcona-Gutierrez, JM; Soria-Blanco, LM; Alonso, CA; Gimeno, C; Ulibarri, B; Calleja, R; Garcia, M; Navarro, M; Reynaga, E; Vilamala, A; Canut, A; Cordon, ML; Alvarez, L; Megias, G; Gomariz, M; Cercenado, E; Calvo, J; Fernandez, M; Lopez-Calleja, AI; Rezusta, A; Lopez-Cerero, L

Revista Internacional

Effects on goal directed behavior and habit in two animal models of Parkinson's disease

Marquez, I; Munoz, MF; Ayala, A; Lopez, JC; Vargas, JP; Diaz, E

Revista Internacional

Factors that determine the loss of control when reducing therapy by steps in the treatment of moderate-severe asthma in standard clinical practice: A multicentre Spanish study

Martinez-Moragon, E; Delgado, J; Mogrovejo, S; Fernandez-Sanchez, T; Lopez, JJ; Orenes, MAM; Montano, PP; Toro, MT; Oliver, BC; Torres, AF; Delgado, PG; Rodriguez, TWJ; Auli, BV; Yebenes, JJZ; Berasategui, MTA; Jimenez, MF; Ruibio, NHD; Azagra, MV; Fernandez, JAA; Sainz, SA; Gonzalez, RMB; Nieves, MEG; Carpio, DA; Selles, NA; Garcia, CB; Lessmann, AC; Carrillo, DD; Pla, JJ; Giraldo, AL; Sanchez, OL; Rivera, CM; Olondris, PM; Gall, XM; Nogues, EP; Coimerma, FP; Carroz, KP; Blanch, AR; Ortun, MLR; Berenguer, DS; Batlles, JS; Mitja, PS; Sagardia, AS; Retes, LS; Combas, JV; Giralte, XV; Zubeldia, IA; Ercoreca, IA; Pena, MH; Pascual, MMI; Michelena, CJ; Castro, AL; Legarreta, AL; Llorente, PL; Prieto, JP; Lorenzo, VZ; Gil, LA; Munoz, JPG; Durantez, MM; Miguel, TP; Ahmida, T; Izquierdo, MIA; Olbah, MA; Munoz, AA; Nunez, IG; Fernandez, DG; Camacho, AL; Pellon, LF; Miguel, EMM; Portal, FO; Raducan, I; Prats, JAR; Segarra, MDS; Soler, FT; Naon, AL; Bonilla, PG; Munoz, FLG; Calderon, PM; Costa, LME; Aparicio, MB; Pazos, JMG; Paz, VG; Barcala, FJG; Sotes, PI; Rodriguez, PJM; Nieto, FM; Orjales, RN; Martin, CS; Antelo, JS; Rodriguez, JT; Espanol, SA; Nieto, CS; Talaverano, GS; Rodriguez, MME; Lopez, JFF; Jimenez, MAL; Vilchez, MJR; Palacin, SC; Quintana, SD; Echeverria, JAN; De La Guardia, EF; Jara, BH; Garcia, VM; Vazquez, LV; De Sus, JC; Villa, JSC; Lopez, JAA; Campillo, EA; Molina, JMC; Venegas, ADS; Martinez, PB; Reinosa, BB; Parra, BF; Garcia, DF; Gutierrez, VS; De Lobera, AVR; Alcon, SL; Gonzalez, FC; Fernandez, TG; Lazaro, JM; Macenlle, NM; Viteri, SA; Amerigo, DA; Bobolea, I; Aguirre, MDC; Contreras, RC; Arias, FC; Alvarez, MC; Martinez, EBD; Campos, RMD; Cano, MDG; Rodriguez, LG; De Tejada, JAGR; Mancebo, EG; Seco, EG; Torralba, FG; Santana, AH; Herrera, PDH; Mosquete, MRH; Rodriguez, PL; Ballesteros, BLM; Vicente, EM; Chacon, BM; Fernandez, AM; Garcia, EM; Castillejo, EO; Serrano, FP; Acevedo, AYP; Rojo, RP; Ruiz-Rico, NQ; Pinedo, AR; Jimenez, BR; Rodriguez, MR; Ingelmo, AR; Pena, AR; Gonzalez, MJS; Trujillo, MJT; Fuertes, LV; Albelda, CV; Meniz, AY; Grovas, RIAP; Ramirez, JARA; Munoz, JMB; Manzanares, MB; Martinez, GD; De Luna, FL; Paez, AM; De Tejada, EOS; Galo, AP; Cornejo, MPE; Esojo, CS; Aleman, AFA; Rumayor, MCA; Espinosa, RA; Mora, RB; Lancharro, FJC; Urra, TG; Martin, SH; Lizaldre, AR; Quintas, RD; Alvarez-Eire, MG; Marquez, HG; Lopez, AG; Bonny, JAC; Villarroel, LJA; Casas, DB; Cid, NB; Paz, AC; Abelaira, MDC; Rio, FI; Sanmartin, AP; Aznar, JMI; Sastre, ML; Hernandez, MCR; Rodriguez, RC; Mendez, AIH; Flores, HKI; Rodriguez, AP; Vazquez, AC; Gallardo, JC; San Juan, JMD; Aguilar, DG; Cardona, AO; Camarero, MO; Bustillo, JP; Feijoo, AV; Tort, NC; Moncin, MD; Garde, MED; De Gregorio, AJM; Gonzalez, AO; Fernandez, IA; Baixauli, EB; Hernandez, NC; Rodriguez, PJC; Damia, AD; Palacios, MAD; Lopez, DEQ; Toledo, RRF; Garcia, DF; Giner, JVG; Lara, SH; Santafe, JJL; Bayo, AL; Calatayud, CM; Seisdedos, LAN; Lopez, FST; Vinuesa, AS; Mengual, EV; Domingo, CAA; Sedano, AC; Abenoza, LA; Barcelona, JA; Sierra, SC; Lazaro, JF; Camo, IJP; Arazuri, NS

Vol: REVISTA CLINICA ESPANOLA Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Guillain-Barre syndrome after viral hepatitis A

Ruiz, RL; Garcia-Soto, JD; Eichau, S

Vol: MEDICINA CLINICA Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

HERC1 Ubiquitin Ligase Is Required for Hippocampal Learning and Memory

Perez-Villegas, EM; Perez-Rodriguez, M; Negrete-Diaz, JV; Ruiz, R; Rosa, JL; de Toledo, GA; Rodriguez-Moreno, A; Armengol, JA

Vol: FRONTIERS IN NEUROANATOMY Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Hydroxytyrosol Decreases LPS- and alpha-Synuclein-Induced Microglial Activation In Vitro

Gallardo-Fernandez, M; Hornedo-Ortega, R; Alonso-Bellido, IM; Rodriguez-Gomez, JA; Troncoso, AM; Garcia-Parrilla, MC; Venero, JL; Espinosa-Oliva, AM; de Pablos, RM

Vol: ANTIOXIDANTS Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Hyperinflammation and Fibrosis in Severe COVID-19 Patients: Galectin-3, a Target Molecule to Consider

Garcia-Revilla, J; Deierborg, T; Venero, JL; Boza-Serrano, A

Vol: FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Microglia: Agents of the CNS Pro-Inflammatory Response

Rodriguez-Gomez, JA; Kavanagh, E; Engskog-Vlachos, P; Engskog, MKR; Herrera, AJ; Espinosa-Oliva, AM; Joseph, B; Hajji, N; Venero, JL; Burguillos, MA

Vol: CELLS Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Primary cytomegalovirus infection in a patient with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis under treatment with alemtuzumab

Eichau, S; Ruiz, RL; Osorio, JJC; Ramirez, E; Dominguez-Mayoral, A; Izquierdo, G

Vol: NEUROLOGIA Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Socioeconomic Inequalities in Small-for-Gestational-Age Births Before and During the Economic Crisis: An Ecologic Study of Trends in 13 Spanish Cities

Dominguez-Berjon, MF; Perez, G; Gotsens, M; Genova, R; Martin, U; Ruiz-Ramos, M

Revista Internacional

The Ubiquitin Proteasome System in Neuromuscular Disorders: Moving Beyond Movement

Bachiller, S; Alonso-Bellido, IM; Real, LM; Perez-Villegas, EM; Venero, JL; Deierborg, T; Armengol, JA; Ruiz, R

Revista Internacional

Development of Therapeutic Anti-JAGGED1 Antibodies for Cancer Therapy

Masiero M, Li D, Whiteman P, Bentley C, Greig J, Hassanali T, Watts S, Stribbling S, Yates J, Bealing E, Li JL, Chillakuri C, Sheppard D, Serres S, Sarmiento-Soto M, Larkin J,Sibson NR, Handford PA, Harris AL, Banham AH

Vol: Mol Cancer Ther, Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Docosahexaenoic acid reduces microglia phagocytic activity via miR-124 and induces neuroprotection in rodent models of spinal cord contusion injury.

Yip PK, Bowes AL, Hall JCE, Burguillos MA, Ip THR, Baskerville T, Liu ZH, Mohamed MAEK, Getachew F, Lindsay AD, Najeeb SU, Popovich PG, Priestley JV, Michael-Titus AT

Vol: Hum Mol Genet. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Galectin-3, a novel endogenous TREM2 ligand, detrimentally regulates inflammatory response in Alzheimer's disease.

Boza-Serrano A, Ruiz R, Sanchez-Varo R, García-Revilla J, Yang Y, Jimenez-Ferrer I, Paulus A, Wennström M, Vilalta A, Allendorf D, Davila JC, Stegmayr J, Jiménez S, Roca-Ceballos MA, Navarro-Garrido V, Swanberg M, Hsieh CL, Real LM, Englund E, Linse S, Leffler H, Nilsson UJ, Brown GC, Gutierrez A, Vitorica J, Venero JL, Deierborg T

Vol: Acta Neuropathol. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Hydroxytyrosol Decreases LPS- and α-Synuclein-Induced Microglial Activation In Vitro.

Gallardo-Fernández M, Hornedo-Ortega R, Alonso-Bellido IM, Rodríguez-Gómez JA, Troncoso AM, García-Parrilla MC, Venero JL, Espinosa-Oliva AM, Pablos RM

Vol: Antioxidants (Basel). Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Hydroxytyrosol protects from aging process via AMPK and autophagy; a review of its effects on cancer, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis, immune-mediated and neurodegenerative diseases.

de Pablos RM, Espinosa-Oliva AM, Hornedo-Ortega R, Cano M, Arguelles S

Vol: Pharmacol Res. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Magnetofection as a new tool to study microglia biology.

Venero JL, Burguillos MA

Vol: Neural Regen Res. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Microglial subtypes: diversity within the microglial community.

Stratoulias V, Venero JL, Tremblay MÈ, Joseph B

Vol: EMBO J. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Reformulating Pro-Oxidant Microglia in Neurodegeneration.

García-Revilla J, Alonso-Bellido IM, Burguillos MA, Herrera AJ, Espinosa-Oliva AM, Ruiz R, Cruz-Hernández L, García-Domínguez I, Roca-Ceballos MA, Santiago M, Rodríguez-Gómez JA, Soto MS, de Pablos RM, Venero JL

Vol: J Clin Med. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

TET2 Regulates the Neuroinflammatory Response in Microglia.

Carrillo-Jimenez A, Deniz Ö, Niklison-Chirou MV, Ruiz R, Bezerra-Salomão K, Stratoulias V, Amouroux R, Yip PK, Vilalta A, Cheray M, Scott-Egerton AM, Rivas E, Tayara K, García-Domínguez I, Garcia-Revilla J, Fernandez-Martin JC, Espinosa-Oliva AM, Shen X, St George-Hyslop P, Brown GC, Hajkova P, Joseph B, Venero JL, Branco MR, Burguillos MA

Vol: Cell Rep. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Caspases orchestrate microglia instrumental functions

Shen X, Venero JL, Joseph B, Burguillos MA.

Vol: Prog Neurobiol Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Cell tracking, survival, and differentiation capacity of adipose-derived stem cells after engraftment in rat tissue.

Muñoz MF, Argüelles S, Guzmán-Chozas M, Guillén-Sanz R, Franco JM, Pintor-Toro JA, Cano M, Ayala A.

Vol: J Cell Physiol. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Divergent Effects of Metformin on an Inflammatory Model of Parkinson's Disease.

Tayara K, Espinosa-Oliva AM, García-Domínguez I, Ismaiel AA, Boza-Serrano A, Deierborg T, Machado A, Herrera AJ, Venero JL, de Pablos RM.

Vol: Front Cell Neurosci. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Dosimetric evaluation of radionuclides for VCAM-1-targeted radionuclide therapy of early brain metastases.

Falzone N, Ackerman NL, Rosales LF, Bernal MA, Liu X, Peeters SG, Soto MS, Corroyer-Dulmont A, Bernaudin M, Grimoin E, Touzani O, Sibson NR, Vallis K.

Vol: Theranostics. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Effective Knockdown of Gene Expression in Primary Microglia With siRNA and Magnetic Nanoparticles Without Cell Death or Inflammation.

Carrillo-Jiménez A, Puigdellívol M, Vilalta A, Venero JL, Brown GC, StGeorge-Hyslop P, Burguillos MA.

Vol: Front Cell Neurosci Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

HERC1 Ubiquitin Ligase Is Required for Normal Axonal Myelination in the Peripheral Nervous System.

Bachiller S, Roca-Ceballos MA, García-Domínguez I, Pérez-Villegas EM, Martos-Carmona D, Pérez-Castro MÁ, Real LM, Rosa JL, Tabares L, Venero JL, Armengol JÁ, Carrión ÁM, Ruiz R.

Vol: Mol Neurobiol Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Optimization of molecularly targeted MRI in the brain: empirical comparison of sequences and particles.

Zarghami N, Khrapitchev AA, Pérez-Balderas F, Soto MS, Larkin JR, Bau L, Sibson NR.

Vol: Int J Nanomedicine. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Peripheral Inflammation Enhances Microglia Response and Nigral Dopaminergic Cell Death in an in vivo MPTP Model of Parkinson's Disease.

García-Domínguez I, Veselá K, García-Revilla J, Carrillo-Jiménez A, Roca-Ceballos MA, Santiago M, de Pablos RM, Venero JL.

Vol: Front Cell Neurosci. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Potential Use of Nanomedicine for the Anti-inflammatory Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases

Cayero-Otero MD, Espinosa-Oliva AM, Herrera AJ, Garcia-Dominguez I, Fernandez-Arevalo M, Martin-Banderas L, de Pablos RM.

Vol: Curr Pharm Des Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

RIPK1 is a critical modulator of both tonic and TLR-responsive inflammatory and cell death pathways in human macrophage differentiation

Buchrieser J, Oliva-Martín MJ, Moore MD, Long JCD, Cowley SA, Pérez-Simón JA, James W, Venero JL.

Vol: Cell Death Dis. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

The Multifarious Role of Microglia in Brain Metastasis.

Soto MS, Sibson NR.

Vol: Front Cell Neurosci. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Aging and Oxidative Stress Decrease Pineal Elongation Factor 2: In Vivo Protective Effect of Melatonin in Young Rats Treated With Cumene Hydroperoxide.

Muñoz MF, Argüelles S, Cano M, Marotta F, Ayala A.

Vol: J Cell Biochem. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Application of Kinase Inhibitors for Anti-aging Intervention

Cano M, Ayala A, Marotta F, Arguelles S.

Vol: Curr Pharm Des. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

CSPα, a Molecular Co-chaperone Essential for Short and Long-Term Synaptic Maintenance.

López-Ortega E, Ruiz R, Tabares L.

Vol: Front Neurosci Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Galectin-3 released in response to traumatic brain injury acts as an alarmin orchestrating brain immune response and promoting neurodegeneration.

Yip PK, Carrillo-Jiménez A, King P, Vilalta A, Nomura K, Chau CC, Egerton AM, Liu ZH, Shetty AJ, Tremoleda JL, Davies M, Deierborg T, Priestley JV, Brown GC, Michael-Titus AT, Venero JL, Burguillos MA.

Vol: Sci Rep. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Genetic Rescue of Mitochondrial and Skeletal Muscle Impairment in an Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Model of Coenzyme Q10 Deficiency.

Romero-Moya D, Santos-Ocaña C, Castaño J, Garrabou G, Rodríguez-Gómez JA, Ruiz-Bonilla V, Bueno C, González-Rodríguez P, Giorgetti A, Perdiguero E, Prieto C, Moren-Núñez C, Fernández-Ayala DJ, Victoria Cascajo M, Velasco I, Canals JM, Montero R, Yubero D, Jou C, López-Barneo J, Cardellach F, Muñoz-Cánoves P, Artuch R, Navas P, Menéndez P.

Vol: Stem Cells. Revista Internacional
Revista Internacional

Immunolocalization of Substance P and NK-1 Receptor in ADIPOSE Stem Cells.

Muñoz M, Muñoz MF, Ayala A.

Vol: J Cell Biochem. Revista Internacional